Now Tell Us Your Intended Project Materials

ARC SUBMISSION FORM - additions & exterior renovations

Combine your Submission Form & Materials Form with your project information for a complete submission package.

Keep in mind…

After you gather your completed Submission Form & Materials Form with your supporting detail documents described below, combine and send as a single attachment to

We will NOT review submissions with Supplemental Materials sent via multiple separate emails.

If the size of your files exceeds the amount your email sender will allow, zip the file or upload to a shared folder using tools such as Dropbox, Box or Google Drive. Send a shareable access URL in the body of your email in place of file attachments. Make sure the file is clearly labeled.

New Construction Supplemental Materials Requirements:

All home designs in the New Albany Country Club Community (NACCCA) are required to be approved by the ARC. The design review process is separated into three phases: conceptual, preliminary and final. Each phase has different requirements as listed below. The intent of three separate phases is to review the design as it progresses to ensure that the home, even in the early stages of design, follow requirements established by the Design Guidelines. If a submittal does not contain all the information listed below, it may be considered incomplete and may not be reviewed until all required information is submitted. Additionally, fees for design review are required at time of concept design submittal.

The drawings must be by an Approved Architect and must be on their title block. Drawings must a/so include the date, postal address of home as well as the section and lot numbers (on all pages).

Contextual Site Plan – A streetscape plan for all submittals showing the relative context for the specific proposal. This would include neighboring properties as well as properties across the street.

Site Plan: scale 1″ = 20′ – 0″ minimum

To include the following: site boundaries with all setbacks, easements, R.O.W.’s, build-to lines, centerlines of streets, and proposed building footprint of house and garage, showing driveway,

Design Intent (optional): Front elevation any scale or perspective view.
Contextual Site Plan – A streetscape plan for all submittals showing the relative context for the specific proposal. This would include neighboring properties as well as properties across the street.

Site Plan: scale 1″ = 20′ – 0″ minimum

To include the following: dimensioned site boundaries with all setbacks, easements, R.O.W.’s, build-to lines, centerlines of streets, and proposed rough and existing grading (when applicable), Site plan to show proposed roof plan of house, walls, outbuildings, drives, sidewalks, and locations of mailbox, standard yard light and screening for garage.

Building Plans: scale 1/8″= 1′ – 0″ minimum First and second floor plans with gross square footage noted.

Elevations: scale 1/8″= 1′ – 0″ minimum All building elevations with proposed grade and finished floor elevations, and exterior materials noted.
Contextual Site Plan – A streetscape plan for all submittals showing the relative context for the specific proposal. This would include neighboring properties as well as properties across the street.

Site Plan: scale 1″ = 20′ – 0″ minimum

To include the following: dimensioned site boundaries with all setbacks, easements, R.O.W.’s, build-to lines, centerlines of streets, and final grading plan showing existing and proposed contours, finished first floor elevation, and spot grade elevations at corners of structures and lot. Site plan to show roof plan of house, garden walls/fences, outbuildings, dimensioned driveway and walkways, final utility locations (including screened condenser units and utility meters), with locations of mailbox, standard yard light and screening for garage.

Building Plans: scale 1/4″= 1′ – 0″ minimum All building floor plans with gross square footage noted.

Building Elevations: scale 1/4″ = 1′ – 0″ minimum All building elevations with proposed grade and finished floor elevations, ridge height and exterior materials noted and drawn correctly to scale.

Building Section: scale 1/4″ = 1′ – 0″ optional One (1) building section taken through the entire main house structure.

Wall Sections: scale 1 /2″ = 1′ – 0″ minimum A separate wall section is required for each different element: main house, garage and ancillary house connectors or outbuildings {if applicable) with technical information noted.

Details: Detail drawings required by the ARC depend upon the location of the home in The New Albany Community. Prior to the final submittal for each home, the ARC will include a list of required details, which may include the following: Main Entry: scale 3/4″ = 1′ – 0″ minimum, elevation and construction detail section Cornice: scale 11/2″ = 1′ -0″ minimum, showing construction detail sections for main house, garage and ancillary connectors or outbuildings. Dormers: scale 3/4″ = 1′ – 0″ minimum, showing elevations and construction detail sections. Bays: scale 3/4″ = 1′ – 0″ minimum, showing elevations and construction detail sections. Porches: scale 3/4″ = 1′ – 0″ minimum, showing elevations and construction detail sections. Brick: scale 11/2″ = 1′ – 0″ minimum, showing elevations (individual brick layouts and bond patters for quoins, jack arches and sills). Also provide profile sections for chimney caps, belt courses and water table.

Final Exterior Materials/Colors List and Application Form w/signed Site Agreement: Blank forms are provided by the NACCCA HOA. Additionally, window “shop drawings” are required to be reviewed by the designer, and approved by the ARC. Landscape plans are also required for final approval.

Each section of the NACCCA has individual design requirements that may vary from section to section. Please refer to the Design Guidelines for each section for proper development standards.